Tuesday, March 31, 2015

March 30, 2015 - Dinner with Sister Mullen

Hi y'all!
So this week has been pretty good. Really good actually. Monday I finally made it to Graceland. I took our roommie Hermana Ponce since Sister Garcia and Hermana Mitchell already went. It was a blast! The front of the house was very classic, and then the basement and "the jungle room" were super 60s/70s. It was fun! I am so happy I finally got to go! One of the most memorable parts was this man coming up to Hermana Ponce, crying about when Elvis died. Poor guy just got too emotional!
     Thursday we had quite the adventure. We had dinner with Sister Mullen, an 80 year old woman, and Brother Fanayam, a convert from the island of Yap. They are the cutest/randomest BFFs ever. We walked for over an hour in the rain to get to get to dinner, and we were so wet that Sister Mullen made us wear her nightgowns at dinner while she dried our clothes. It was hilarious, we had a great time, and Brother Fanaya made us our favorite food, fried green tomatoes with honey mustard.
     This week our deaf investigator, Sonya, is finally progressing. We watched the Restoration movie with her and she felt the spirit so strongly. She really wants to understand more about baptism and she wants to be with her husband and her five teenage boys forever. She also came to Women's Conference on Saturday and loved it. I am so excited for her family, they are great!
Love y'all, have a good week!
Sister Nielsen
Today we had a picnic at the park, it was a beautiful day!

Walking through the park.

The elders found a bear on the road, then our roommies stole him. He is pretty good company.

Sister Matkin, our Sister training Leader and BFF.

Dinner with Sister Mullen and Brother Fanayam, quite the memorable time!

Our District

Visiting cute Sister March on St. Patrick's Day.

At the ward hoe down with Celestial.

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