Monday, March 9, 2015

March 9, 2015 - The Storms Continue

Hey y'all!
So, the storms continue. One day this week it iced and we couldn't leave the apartment all day. It was kind of relaxing for two seconds, but then we got real anxious to go work!
Before the storm, we had dinner with the Holladays. They are the cutest. Brother Holladay has the spirit of a kid. We asked him what he did that day, and he said, "I watched TV today." We asked what he watched, and he lit up and said, "Cowboys and Indians. They're my favorite." So sweet. I loved eating with them.
This week, when the ice kind of melted, we went to a deaf event at a pizza place with mini golf, arcade games, go carts, the whole nine yards. Of course, we just chatted with deaf people and ate a lot of food. We met a cute black family with two deaf kids. They were very open and we gave them a Book of Mormon, so it was a successful night.
We are also still teaching Barbara and Vince, they are great. And some of the deaf people we have been trying to contact forever were finally home, so it was a pretty good week. I hope you all are happy and safe, and warmer than we are here. Love you!
Sister Nielsen
At Abbay's, the best restaurant ever. Catfish, chicken, pork chops, meatloaf, okra, sweet potatoes, potato salad, cornbread, and pretty much anything else that you can think of that is Southern. Super obsessed.

Having fun at the deaf event!

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