Monday, March 23, 2015

March 23, 2015 - For every tragedy, there is a multitude of miracles

This week has been better than the last. "For every tragedy, there is a multitude of miracles." This week we went to contact a less active, but it turns out that the less active didn't live there. But guess who lived there? A man with a deaf wife! And they are letting us come back to see them! And who lives next to the them? The nicest family ever and they have a partially deaf son and the mom knows ASL. We were seriously so blessed to find them. 
That was a really good day, the rest of the week was pretty uneventful. Recently, I have been learning to humble myself and be willing to change. The Lord knows my potential and who I can become. To become that person, I need to accept what ever trials and counsel He gives me with a humble heart. There are a million excuses to not change, but change is for the better and there will be a million reasons to be happy that we did change. I am grateful for all the experiences I am having here and for the person I am becoming. 
I love y'all!
Sister Nielsen 

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