Monday, August 25, 2014

August 25, 2014 - The Arkansas State Bird

Wow, what a week! Saying goodbye to my cute ASL family at the MTC was rough, but I love it here! It is nothing like the other ASL missions I have heard of. Most of the other ASL missions have deaf wards or branches, but here there are three ASL areas and my area has two deaf members (just baptized this summer) and two deaf investigators. So, as you can guess, we teach hearing people too. But our deaf members are awesome! One is Ronika, she has a 5 year old son and her husband is deaf and will hopefully get baptized once he stops drinking coffee. The other deaf member is Sylvia. Since she is 16, deaf, and black, she is about as sassy as they come. She is hard to understand, but she loves church and it was great to interpret for her yesterday. So, at church between me, Sister Grindstaff, and two members, we interpret Sacrament Meeting, two Sunday Schools, Relief Society, Young Women's, and Priesthood. Then after church we teach an ASL class. The members are super into it. It is great that they want to help out our deaf members.
      So, my companion is Sister Grindstaff, and once she is done training me she is done with her mission. She is short and super cute, and her sign name is Sister Eyelashes. She is very sarcastic and bold; she teaches very seriously. And she thinks I am hilarious, so we get along pretty well.
     About Arkansas: It is the hottest it has been all summer. Super humid, I sweat ALL THE TIME. People say y'all and you can say anything about anyone as long as you say "bless her heart." And the state bird is a mosquito, I swear. I have never had so many bites in my life. I look diseased. I have bites as big as my face and some have blisters and now that they are healing they have bruises. BUT, it is so worth it! I was so happy to be on our investigator Ray's front porch, saying a prayer while we all held hands, even though I was being eaten alive. He loves the Book of Mormon and wishes he had had the truth his whole life. And most of the people I have met here know they love Jesus but also know they don't have the full truth. Our message makes complete sense to them. The key is finding the people who are ready to give up alcohol and smoking and tradition, and willing to accept the Gospel. The church is true. I love you guys!
Sister Nielsen 
P.S. Our address is 1530 Parham Pointe Dr.,  Little Rock, AR 72204. I am super excited for Cody, he is the best.

My leg. This isn't even the worst it has looked.

Our investigator Bernice's side walk.

My cute companion, Sister Grindstaff.

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