Thursday, October 1, 2015

September 21, 2015 - Tender Mercies

Hey y'all!
This week I wanted to share some tender mercies. As we recognize tender mercies, we are "boasting of our God" (Alma 26:11) and recognizing His hand. I know tender mercies are all over!

Monday: The security guard at Kroger came over and asked us about premortal life. It reminded me of the simple truths of the gospel that so many people don't know about, and why we have to share. We got his number and hopefully can start teaching him.

Tuesday: The first member we called to give us a ride actually could. That never happens!

Wednesday: We were on exchanges, and Sister Bryce couldn't start the car. We decided to say a prayer, and during the prayer the phone starting ringing. I said, "Maybe it is someone who knows how to start the car." And it totally was! It was one of the APs to tell Sister Havran she gets to go the temple on Monday. He told us to turn the steering wheel while we turned the key, and it worked! We got a good kick out of that miracle.
Also Wednesday we were with a member giving Mario a church tour and reviewing the Restoration. He knows more than we thought, but still doesn't get everything. He told the First Vision beautifully in ASL. "Birds were chirping, Joseph is walking through the trees, it is a beautiful day, Joseph is pondering, he knees to pray, a light shines....and 2 BROTHERS appear to him." .!??!? No, Mario, not what happened. And when we explained it was the Father and the Son, he said it doesn't matter! What?! That is the whole point! So yeah, still got some work to do with him, but he is coming along.

Thursday: We biked and didn't die! But Sister Havran is opposed to biking again.

Friday: The YSA relief society went on splits with us, and people were home for us to teach! Sister Havran went to see a less active who went on an ASL mission, she is way cool.

Saturday: The weather was a lot cooler, and we saw a GABILLION frogs. We also had dinner with the sweetest family, all their kids are adopted and one of them, Johnny, is special needs and just precious. Meeting him was a serious blessing.

Sunday: Mario and the less active who went on an ASL mission came to church.

Monday: Today while Sister Havran was in the temple, me and some other sisters went back to the apartment. Crystal, a deaf member from Southaven, was looking for me. Sister Thomas was outside and knows ASL, so she called me and we went back. She had come to pray, and asked if she could walk around. We of course said yes, then a temple worker saw us and invited us in the waiting room. Sister Kennach and I got to sit with her while she prayed, then I interpreted for her to get a blessing from an elder. Super cool that we were there at the right time and were able to help her!
I know the Lord does miracles for us everyday, we just have to look for them. I am so grateful to see His hand in everything. I want to hear what tender mercies the Lord has done for you! Love you all!

Sister Nielsen

A cicada we think.

So Sister Havran freaks every time we see a new, gigantic big she's never seen before. It is quite amusing, here are some of our adventures.
Garden spider - harmless but terrifying.

Preying mantis. I call him George, Sister Havran calls him apricot.

Centipede-thing as big as a foot.

Showing off my new outfit from Mom. And being a little silly!

Found this fun wall while walking!

District Meeting

On exchanges me and Sister Bryce were brave and tried chicken and waffles with maple gravy. It was good, but probably not going to order it again. But the jalapeƱo hushpuppies and onion rings? To die for! I don't even like onion rings but I ate like half of them.

Sister Havran got out of her cast and into a fancy brace, we can't decide if she is a transformer, batman, or Darth Vader.

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